Denise's Blog
Money Insights, Wisdom, and More
Money Dilemma, hike it out

True confessions. I tend to be a worry wart. Anxiety can overwhelm me at times. I over-analyze and desire to know the “why” of it all. This combination of brain chemistry isn’t exactly wired for fun times. It can place a halt on the flow of my life.
One of the things I want to share with you is the difference hiking has made in my life and why I am profoundly in love with it. When my feet move, my breath deepens, I sweat, and in a short while, my
body experiences a wash of calm. The thoughts circling in my head tend to disappear. My senses take over, and take me on a journey of beauty, witnessing nature around me. Kind of like an iMax theater experience. I begin feeling relaxation in my body and a sense of one-ness with all around me.
As my feet move, I feel my thoughts move as well. Movement of my feet, opens my mind and expands my view, literally and figuratively. Soon, creative solutions come forth, that did not have room to unfold, in prior spaces of constriction. New ways of framing a situation, a sudden ah-hah about how this thing of discomfort is a blessing in disguise and something I’ve been asking for is now seen. Space, way more space opens up for me…in my breath, my heart and my thoughts.
I begin to notice how the oak trees roots wind around rocks that could be perceived as obstacles. Yet, the roots got to where they were going to receive nourishment from the earth. So I ask, how can I go around my obstacles and get to a place of where I want to be? How might I approach this dilemma from a new way?
What’s this have to do with your money life? Everything. I invite you to take one of your money dilemmas to nature and “hike it out.” Feet to the earth, deep breaths, chest out, beauty magnifier on, soak it all in. FEEL the expansion. Ask nature to open you to a new way of framing your concern. Invite in a new perspective. Ask nature for creative solutions. See what comes. Let me know. I’m curious!
Dear Denise, I love how fruitfully you have integrated seemingly disparate aspects of your life! Bolstering financial intelligence by hiking???!! Yet I know this to be true — because, as we can observe all around us, “everything is Interconnected”, often in unexpected yet profound ways.