Home - Denise Hughes Author Speaker Money Coach

Inner Wealth Dialogues

An Empowerment Course for Women & Money (Online)

Inner Wealth Dialogues

Course Begins February 2019

I am holding imaginative space for all those this course calls to…
to step into the circle of welcome…to take your place in this circle of becoming an inner wealth woman…
and for us to begin a sacred beautiful journey together.

I invite you into this process with an open heart + open arms. I look forward to getting to know you.
I promise to offer you a rich, process filled course of transformation and beauty.

With so much love,
- XO, Denise

Inner Wealth Dialogues

When we journey into our hearts
Inner knowings unfold
Deep truths emerge
What has been silent is given a voice
A shift happens
The fog of “not knowing” is lifted
The lamp of awareness lights our path
We choose from consciousness now
And follow the wisdom of heart guidance

-written by Denise

The Dialogues

The Inner Wealth Dialogues consist of 4 conversations with your heart.
Each dialogue takes you to a deep heart space through the use of journaling, guided imagery, poetry and ritual.

These dialogues came to me, over about a two week period in the spring of 2015, during early morning meditation. Something inside of me was yearning to bring more creativity to my work. I had been in the process of a creative drought for over 9 months.

These dialogues are sacred to me. They are foundational conversations from which each of us can build beautiful healthy wealth. Here they are!


Dialogue 1

What is important?
Really important?


Dialogue 1

How Much Is Enough?


Dialogue 1

How Do I Create More
With What I Already Have?


Dialogue 1

What Spiritual Heart Print Do
I Desire to Leave as My
Legacy in This World?

This Course Is For You If

  • You want to access heart wisdom, guidance and inner knowing
  • You want to create alignment with your heart’s desires + your money
  • You have a shy heart yearning to have a voice
  • You are in transition and want to re-discover, re-align and re-claim your life
  • You are ready to create an experience of enough in your life
  • You are longing to be in community with like minded souls, sharing heart truths, while being seen, witnessed and heard

The Inner Wealth Dialogues Process

  • is a 6 week process
  • is heavy on journaling, guided imagery, ritual and sharing
  • is a group of 6-8
  • takes place in Denise’s virtual and/or real living room in her home in northern California
  • comes with a workbook for you to refer to and rework the dialogues at any time in your life
  • and surprises, many surprises to support you on the way in your journey

Here Is What Those Who Have Taken This Course Have To Say

I Call Them The Four Lovelies

Bridget Flynn

The Inner Wealth Dialogues gently drew my attention to what is really important to me–not my family, background or society, but to me. That attention has shown me that to live a wealthy life, I must be authentic and in alignment with who I really am. Because of that alignment, things are manifesting in my life very rapidly.

I have reclaimed and strengthened the part of me that I was scared to fully own.

This process held me in sacred space and opened me to my own blindspots…I began to see where I told myself “no” when I really wanted to say “yes,” and how those “no’s” have blocked my creative and emotional flow. Because of the Inner Wealth Dialogues, something in me solidified, saying “yes” to me and who I really am.

Bridget Flynn


Being a part of the Inner Wealth Dialogues has been heart warming, total fun and YES I can say MAGIC! Each dialogue helped me to shift from my head to my heart.

This shift moved me out of the energy of contraction and the inner chatter of “should” in my head…to a space of being more connected to my heart, and caring for myself in more loving ways, which is true wealth.

I feel more confident personally and professionally. It is powerful to be witnessed, seen, and heard and to live life unfiltered. This was the gift from Inner Wealth Dialogues.”

Sarah Bunce


The process of the Inner Wealth Dialogues created powerful shifts in a graceful and gentle way in my life. Opening each of our sessions with sound, grounding imagery, intention, ritual, and journaling helped me to go deep quickly.

I was surprised at how journaling gave me so much clarity to what was important to me. Sharing my feelings and vulnerabilities gave me confidence to own my feelings and to make changes that nourished me.

These changes all felt so right, so clear, so effortless. I am more conscious, grateful for all I have in my life, and making choices that bring me good energy and joy thanks to the Inner Wealth Dialogues.”

Denise Michaud

Long Term Care Specialist

Denise’s creation of the Inner Wealth Dialogues, are sacred conversations I had with my soul. I came away from this whole experience with a feeling of validation, feeling mentally and physically lighter, like a burden was lifting and my heart’s desire is finally allowed to be acted upon.

The concrete shifts that came for me is that I feel more confident that this is the time for me to let Swim Coaching and Yoga be my “hobbies.” And that it is time to let the “art making train” really leave the station on it’s journey.

I loved the sacredness of this program, the design, structure and experience. The questions and processes took me deep to my core, way deeper than I do on my own.




To Hold Your Space In This Course, Your Investment Is $500

When a woman speaks her truth out loud
She begins to own her truth
When she listens with the ears of her heart
Her confidence grows and she takes action on her behalf
This offering is about finding and listening deeply
To our voice within
Our heart
The voice of our soul
Sharing our truths, our voices
Witnessing desires in ourselves and others
Because discovering what really matters
And what we really want
Brings us joy and fulfillment
From the inside out
And from this place we can best use our money
to support our blessed lives
Creating a foundation of wealth
Nourishing body mind and spirit
Opening ourselves to our own inner abundance

I don’t offer refunds, but will transfer the registration of this course to a person of your choosing if you are unable to attend.

Blessings Love and Light,


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