Women. Money. Power. Own It. Self-Paced Study
a unique, heart centered, F-U-N approach, supporting you in shattering your internal earning ceiling while designing and creating the life of your desires
This is a self paced course equipping you to stand in FULL ownership and power in your relationship with money
Money is one of the primary forms of abundance on this physical plane and it is yearning for your mastery your boss-hood
Money desires a relationship with you for without one... it has no direction, no purpose, no life force
Woman, while money can SEEM to have a mind of its own, it is YOU that brings life to this medium your life energy

If you are like a lot of the women I work with…
you may be experiencing a gulp in your throat right now
and that is OK
because we are called to swallow and transmute our fear
in order to show up as the Jedi we are with this medium
you may be feeling like jumping out of your own skin right now when it comes to money
and no, no, no
escapism is the legacy of our beloved female ancestors with this medium
(out of fear of course)
Victimhood, martyrdom, the archetype of the innocent child,...
the archetype of the damsel in distress
these archetypes no longer are of service
to our highest being in this world
in a changing world where women desire to be mindful + present with money
in a world where women know, understand and act out the potential of their being
a new archetypal calling is being announced to those
who have the ears willing to hear the call
who have a heart willing to accept the call
and who are ready to embody with grace
this call to power, in the body
the archetypes of the divine mother, warrior, wise woman
magician, creator, explorer
and YES the queen
are knocking on your front door
waiting to enter your inner landscape
to nourish your full becoming
your full blossom into this precious life of yours
Say Yes and Join Me
In Coming Home to Your Relationship With Money
In Coming Home to Your Power With Money
In Coming Home to Your Womanhood With Money

even if a bit scared?
b/c that is normal
owning our money power can be scary
old scripts, from the depths of old programming come up
such as
“people might not like me if I have more money”
“rich people are greedy, stingy, and misers”
“people will take my money away if I have too much”
“I can’t shine too brightly with my money. Being seen isn’t safe.”
or many other scripts that are sucking the power out of each of us
not owning?
not finding a way to support our nervous system + body in our money relationship?
continuing a legacy where we are placing ourselves in a position to be rescued?
continuing a legacy where our brain, heart, and gut is not at the table serving up the feast?
where we continue a less than
dis-empowered legacy?

I Think Not
I Think Not For You And I Think Not for All Of Us
So Let Us Join Our Hearts, Our Spirits, And Our Fears
In Overcoming Our Money Power Leaks
Here's How It Will All Unfold...
Your Self Paced Course on Shattering Your Internal Earning
Ceiling and Stepping into Boss-Hood with Your Money Includes:
- My book, "EARN SAVE SPEND GIVE." A deep dive into this book invites you into basic practices with money, supporting you creating a mindset based on wealth and sufficiency.
- Intimate and personal stories of self made women...who share how practicing certain qualities opened them to greater earnings. These stories light fire under the butt, give us courage and chutzpah to shatter our own internal earning ceiling.
- Interviews with national experts on "how women can earn more." Our psychology and mindset matter. Become aware of your internalized stories about money, that keep you stuck in scarcity mode. Learn how to create an experience of sufficiency for yourself!
- Guided Imagery supporting you to increase your earning capacity in the energetic realm...so that you may manifest on the physical realm. "What belongs to you, will come to you, when you create the capacity to receive it." "If I see it in my mind, I am going to hold it in my hand."
- Experiential journaling prompts...I will set the sacred space for you to invite the hidden in your subconscious to show itself...without shame, blame or judgement. What is hidden then becomes un-hidden, and you become aware of the internal blocks to receiving that you have. Once aware, you can take actions that support instead of sabotage your path to wealth.
- AND AND AND...the purchase of this self paced course can be applied to your annual WTF (Women Talking Finances) membership!!! That is, if you desire to be part of a community of women, who are committed to rising together and stepping into power with their relationship with money. Here is a link to the membership! Check it out

Your Investment is $149
Blessings Love and Light,
-XO, Denise
Join the Women Talking Finances
membership and get this course free!