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Neuroscience Of Wealth (NOW!)


An innovative self-paced course to harness the power of your brain
and build a life of wealth, freedom and peace.

Neuroscience of Wealth (NOW!)

Re-wire Your Brain

  • Implement practices with money, founded in brain science, that can grow your happiness + grow your bank account
  • Become a better saver of money for your future self (it is FUN + EASY!)
  • Learn how to balance the desires of your emotional brain, who wants to take a vacation…with the desires of your thinking brain, who wants to save for retirement!
  • Control impulse purchases! Understand how your brain makes purchasing decisions, and why it is so easy to overspend at discount stores such as Costco!
  • Live your life from a glass half full perspective, by growing new neural pathways to support this view!
Neuroscience of Wealth Badge

What You Will Receive

  • Re-wire your money brain videos
  • Quizzes and surveys to support you in finding your own way in this relationship with money that feels right to you
  • Implementation PDF’s on best money practices rooted in brain science.
  • Peer reviewed journal articles explaining brain science and human money behavior

If this all sounds good, I invite you make the investment to discover the Neuroscience of Wealth

Your investment costs $149.00

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